TGC Iowa exists to provide a platform for pastoral fellowship around a gospel-centered theology and to widely promote gospel-centered ministry throughout our state. To this end, we want to invite you to join us for our Regional and Local Gatherings this year.
Our Regional Gatherings will be semi-quarterly gatherings of pastors to come together for burden bearing and prayer, discussing ideas and issues richly, and deepening our relationships through conversation. Along with prayer and conversation, each gathering will be largely filled with facilitated discussion that includes 1) overview of the biblical foundation and historical development of the topic, 2) discussion of the readings, 3) conversation regarding practical implications/applications in your life and ministry.
This year’s Regional Gatherings will be held at Stonebridge Church in Cedar Rapids from 9:30-11:30am on:
- October 16, 2024
- February 19, 2025
- April 16, 2025
A small continental breakfast will be served. Lunch will be encouraged for further fellowship after the event. Each meeting attendee will have a curated packet of readings (up to 30-50 pages) to read in advance of each Regional Gathering. There is no cost to attend these events. We only ask that you come prepared to contribute to the conversation.
Our Local Gatherings of pastors have the purpose of further cultivating pastoral fellowship. They include sharing, prayer, and dialogue guided by books, articles, and other TGC-aligned resources. Our current Local Gatherings are held in Cedar Rapids and Kalona. They meet in September, November, December, January, March, and May.